
2015 Annual Arrival Ceremony

A commemorative celebration is held at the City docks every September 29th. This celebration is sponsored by the Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation, Inc., the family members of Alex Haley. along with the cooperative efforts and partnership of Kunta Kinte Festival group. This celebration acknowledges the arrival of Kunta Kinte to these shores as the beginning of his experiences in America.

As shared in the story of Roots, the internationally renown book by author Alex Haley, Kunta Kinte’s arrival in America heralds the beginning of his families challenges, legacy, and courage to overcome obstacles to create a new beginning.

The commemorative celebration honors the spirit of this new beginning and serves as a reminder of the contributions made by Kunta Kinte and other unnamed people in bondage and people who strove to help make America great. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of sharing family stories and family heritage.

The Annapolis City Dock experience was held on Monday September 29, 2015 and included a warm welcome and greeting from Mayor Mike Pantelides of Annapolis and City Council Member Sheila Finlayson.

Music was provided by youth performer,Taysean Stansbury. And motivational words of remembrance and inspiration were provided by Chris Haley, the nephew of the Pulitzer Prize Author, Alex Haley.

Foundation members and friends actively participated in paying honor to the many who came before through the scattering of rose petals in the harbor.

Additional pictures from the commemorative experience are shown.